
for workers and workplaces

Connect to common iot devices

Generate machine health info

View dashboards via augmented reality

Wastewater Treatment Plant during construction
Wastewater Treatment Plant during construction
Speech Bubble



Alert Icon Alert Vector
Hydroelectric plant turbine


Factory Icon

Provide connection to common iot devices like ​temperature & pressure sensors - use your ​existing hardware or products we can organise

Augmented reality icon

Provide interactive dashboards through ​smartphone/tablet based augmented reality

Data Browser Icon

Allow for identification of machine operating ​conditions, including real time, hourly & daily ​info such as temperature & pressure readings

Error Folder Illustration

Alert workers to unusual machine operating ​ conditions through smart monitoring


Female Engineer Icon

Help keep businesses online through a direct ​connection with your operating machinery & ​equipment

Corporate Team Icon

Give oversight to machine health across your ​business to reduce breakdowns, offline ​equipment or reactive repairs

Technology Network Illustration

Research proves that worker focussed tools ​improve workplace situational awareness (WSA) ​- improved WSA results in lower incident rates

This combination can improve how your business ​operates, moving from reactive to planned operation & ​maintenance

Trainee using manufacturing machinery